Damian Clarke
Working Papers and Draft Manuscripts
- "Estimating Inter-generational Returns to Medical Care: New Evidence from At-Risk Newborns", with Nicolás Lillo Bustos and Kathya Tapia Schythe.
- "Cumulative Estimation", with Nicolás Paris Torres and Benjamín Villena-Roldán.
- "Does Increasing Public Spending in Health Improve Health? Lessons from Constitutional Reform in Brazil" with Rudi Rocha and Michel Szklo
- October, 2024.
- Reject & Resubmit American Economic Review.
- "Wildfires and Human Health: Evidence from 15 Wildfire Seasons in Chile", with Rubí Arrizaga, Pedro Cubillos and J. Cristóbal Ruíz-Tagle
- "Maternal Mortality and Women's Political Voice: Historical Evidence from the U.S.", with Sonia Bhalotra, Joseph Gomes and Atheen Venkataramani
- "Health and Labor Market Impacts of Twin Birth: Evidence from a Swedish IVF Policy", with Sonia Bhalotra, Hanna Mühlrad and Mårten Palme
- "US Presidential Party Switches Are Mirrored in Global Maternal Mortality", with Sonia Bhalotra, Hanna Mühlrad and Manuel Fernández Sierra
- "Estimating Difference-in-Differences in the Presence of Spillovers"
Published and Accepted Papers
- "Schools as Safety Nets: Break-downs and Recovery in Reporting of Violence Against Children", with Pilar Larroulet, Daniel Pailañir and Daniela Quintana.
- "Dynamic Impacts of Lockdown on Domestic Violence: Evidence from Multiple Policy Shifts in Chile", with Sonia Bhalotra, Emilia Brito, Pilar Larroulet and Francisco Pino.
- "On Synthetic Difference-in-Differences and Related Estimation Methods in Stata", with Daniel Pailañir, Susan Athey and Guido Imbens.
- "Maternal Mortality and Women's Political Power", with Sonia Bhalotra, Joseph Gomes and Atheen Venkataramani.
- "The Use of Quantile Methods in Economic History", with Manuel Llorca Jaña and Daniel Pailañir.
- "Implementing the Panel Event Study", with Kathya Tapia Schythe.
- "Access to the Emergency Contraceptive Pill and Women's Reproductive Health: Evidence from Public Reform in Chile", with Viviana Salinas.
- "Abortion Laws and Women's Health", with Hanna Mühlrad.
- "On the Value of Birth Weight", with Sonia Oreffice and Climent Quintana-Domeque.
- "The Twin Instrument: Fertility and Human Capital Investment", with Sonia Bhalotra.
- "The Romano-Wolf Multiple Hypothesis
Correction in Stata", with Joseph P. Romano and Michael Wolf.
- "Growing Together: Assessing Equity and Efficiency in a Prenatal Health Program", with Gustavo Cortés and Diego Vergara.
- "Twin Birth and Maternal Condition", with Sonia Bhalotra.
- "The Demand for Season of Birth", with Sonia Oreffice and Climent Quintana-Domeque.
- "A Convenient Omitted Variable Bias Formula for Treatment Effect Models".
- Practical Considerations for Questionable IVs", with Benjamín Matta.
- "Children and Their Parents: A Review of Fertility and Causality".
- "Assessing Plan B: The Effect of the Morning After Pill on Children and Women", with Andrea Bentancor.
- "General to Specific Modelling in Stata".
- "1,2-Borotropic shifts and B--N bond cleavage reactions in molybdenum hydrotris(3-isopropylpyrazolyl)borate chemistry: Mixed-valence MoVIMoV2 and pyrazole-rich oxo-MoIV complexes" with J White, V Ng, P Smith, M Taylor and C Young.
- Inorganica Chimica Acta, 362(12):4570-4577 (2009).
Handbook Chapters
Papers in Special Issues
Policy Reports
- "Education and Maternal Mortality", with Sonia Bhalotra. Background Paper for EFA Global Monitoring Report, UNESCO 2013/14.
- "The Impact of Abortion Legalization on Fertility and Female Empowerment", with Hanna Mühlrad. Policy Brief for The Expert Group for Aid Studies (EBA), Sweden, 2018.
- "Creciendo Juntos: Evaluando la Equidad y Eficiencia de Chile Crece Contigo.", with Gustavo Cortés Méndez and Diego Vergara Sepúlveda. Support Material, Chile Crece Contigo Program, Ministry of Social Development, Chile (in Spanish), 2019.
- "Programas de Salud Pública y Salud Mental de los Jóvenes en Chile: Evidencia de los Espacios Amigables", with Carlos Espinosa de la Rivera and Ignacio García Fernández, Chapter, "Chile, Out of the Box", IADB & Universidad de Chile (in Spanish), 2021.
Computational Routines